Most of today’s cogeneration systems and demand response applications that have less than one megawatt in capacity are located at unstaffed sites. Typically, these applications are expected to run with little human intervention and limited planned maintenance. In a perfect world, that would be all that was necessary. But when you are dealing with moving parts and machinery, things can go wrong when you least expect it. That’s where our GenView Control System comes in. We can monitor your system from anywhere on Earth.
With GenView, we track all of your system information in order to predict and stop problems before they occur. We constantly adjust your unit’s settings to keep it at peak performance. We monitor everything from oil levels to outside temperature in order to maximize your savings. This innovative monitoring software gives you complete access to your system 24/7. It’s like having a trained staff member on site around the clock, at a fraction of the cost.
The GenView energy management system is designed to provide remote access to all operations that the user would perform if they were standing in front of the CHP system. When something goes wrong, e-mail alerts bring you immediately up to speed on the situation, allowing you to diagnose and potentially avoid catastrophic failures.
Multiple Systems, One Solution
GenView’s standard user interface allows operators to control several distinct sites with the same control system. Once trained on one site, the user will be able to operate many units in just a few minutes.
The energy monitoring software can accurately display all information about the site, regardless of its equipment (cogen, MAG Power, etc.), yet flexible enough to be applied equally to hundreds of sites and applications. By placing the gauges in the same locations and only changing the schematic drawings slightly, the sites can be implemented under the same system.

Monitor and Manage from Anywhere
You can use the GenView energy management system from any computer with an Internet connection. Since most sites have high bandwidth connections, you’ll be able to make changes and see results immediately. In most cases, response time is almost as fast as a hard-wired connection to the equipment. This interface also allows for large amounts of data to be transferred and displayed.
Avoid Accidents and Downtime with Email Alerts
If the energy management system reaches a danger level, an alarm is triggered, and you’ll be immediately notified via email. These alerts allow you to begin troubleshooting the problem without delay, preventing a small problem from becoming a massive one.
To further assist troubleshooting, GenView creates operator and alarm logs to provide a timeline of events. These records are fully searchable, meaning you can recall past events and study patterns in outages. All logs can be exported to Excel or Minitab spreadsheets, and histograms and pie charts can quickly be created. Timestamps located within these logs can provide run-time patterns that may help you identify systemic problems.
Get Back on Track with Remote Programming
While alarms are a crucial part of overall system health, often an operator may want to remove an alarm and let the CHP system continue running in an effort to identify the underlying problem. GenView lets you do just that, and you don’t need to be on site to do it. Depending on the severity of the problem, you can turn alarms on and off remotely–with real-time response–to troubleshoot problems and ensure the protection of the unit.
Constant Number Crunching
If you’re managing multiple CHP sites, you won’t have time to view each system’s performance at once. But thanks to GenView’s run charts and historical sensor readings, you have the ability to trend points for later review. This system is especially useful for looking at multiple points simultaneously; such as looking at generator power output against utility power input to a facility.
GenView Time Lapse

Control Any Brand, Anytime
GenView is cross compatible with any generator manufacturer and prime mover system. It contains operating modes for diesel and gas-fueled prime movers operating synchronous or inductive generators. These controls can parallel multiple systems with the utility as well as standalone island operations. The energy monitoring software and hardware are constructed to surpass UL 2200 and applicable portions of UL 1741 requirements.
The creators of the GenView energy management system have also designed similar control systems that have been used by some of the largest utilities in the country, including:
Consolidated Edison
Jersey Central Power & Light Company
Public Service Electric & Gas
Niagara Mohawk
Sierra Pacific Company
San Diego Gas & Electric
Pacific Gas & Electric
Southern California Edison
Hawaiian Electric Light Company
Connecticut Light and Power
Commonwealth Edison
Maui Electric Company
It’s like having a trained staff member on site around the clock, at a fraction of the cost.