E3NV is made up of a group of respected industry experts with decades of experience in designing, delivering, and installing CHP systems.
Our team comes from major engine companies and their distributors such as Caterpillar, Volvo, and Dresser Waukesha. Additionally, E3NVs team has worked with CHP systems suppliers like DG Energy Solutions, Alturdyne, and the Hess Corporation.
And thanks to our experience with various prime movers for CHP systems that include Cummins, Daewoo, and Deutz, no delivery job is too big.
E3NV's campus and energy management offices are located in Carson City, Nevada. In all, our manufacturing and engineering campus includes a 33,000 square-foot custom fabrication and production facility, and a 20,000 square-foot precision sheet metal fabrication shop. We are E3NV, an energy management company providing energy solutions for the next generation.
E3NV is a forward-thinking energy management and manufacturing company who has helped commercial and industrial energy users save millions on energy costs while reducing their carbon footprint through ultra-clean combined heat and power (CHP), also known as cogeneration, systems.