Reduce Costs and Improve Yields
Greenhouse facilities can reduce operating costs and improve yield by implementing E3NV’s Greenhouse Solutions (CHP system), using clean natural gas as a fuel source you can start growing with CO2. E3NV’s CAT generator sets can provide electricity for lighting, heat for warming or cooling (via absorption chilling) of the greenhouse, and recycling of carbon dioxide from the engine exhaust for use as an organic fertilizer.
Benefits from greenhouse CHP projects include:
Energy efficiency over 90 percent
Reduced energy’s costs versus separate heat and electric generation
Reduced emissions versus separate heat and electric generation
Increased revenue opportunities through the export of electricity
Carbon dioxide crop fertilization
How it works:
The jacket water from the engine-generator “set” and / or exhaust cooling circuits are fed through heat exchangers to transfer the waste heat from the engine to a hot water holding tank.
That hot water is stored and used to keep the greenhouse warm. Catalysts can be used to remove carbon monoxide and a urea-based SCR system is employed to reduce NOx to just a few PPM. The result is Co2 exhaust gas so clean it can be used in the greenhouse as fertilizer to boost yields.
E3NV provides customized CHP package proposals including the required mechanical equipment and controls to capture and transfer the engine thermal energy to a greenhouse facility. In addition, E3NV offers the required exhaust emissions after treatment, utility grade paralleling switch-gear and controls.
The total energy cost savings of such systems can more than offset the owning and operating costs and deliver returns in as little as two to three years, depending on local energy pricing and policies.